Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My favorite light cheesecake, it has been some time ago my last attempt to bake this cake. I like it to be chilled before serving, and I added one slice of cheddar cheese to add extra flavor to this cheesecake, great that my family like it so much! 

Light Cheesecake

Ingredient :

Cream cheese            120g
Cheddar cheese         1 slice
Oil                             25ml
Full cream milk           80ml
Salt                            1/4tsp
Egg yolk                     5
Whole egg                  1
Top flour                     65g
Egg white                    5
Sugar                          75g
Cream of tartar            1/2tsp

Method :
1. Melt cream cheese, cheddar cheese, oil and milk over a double boiler. Cold the mixture.
2. Lightly whisk egg yolks and whole egg. Pour into (1).
3. Fold in top flour, mix well.
4. Use electric mixer to beat the egg whites until foamy, add cream of tartar and sugar, continue beat until stiff peaks form.
5. Add the egg whites to the cheese mixture and fold well.
6. Pour into rice cooker and start bake for 50 min or until set.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rice Flour Banana Chiffon Cake with Melted Chocolate

Thinking to bake rice flour cake for some time. Kids love banana and chocolate. So it's time to have a try on rice flour banana cake with melted chocolate!

Served warm and you will be surprised of the melted chocolate inside, put more if you are chocolate lover!

Any leftover, store in fridge and heat it up with low heat in microwave, it will be as soft as just taken out of the oven!

Rice Flour Banana Chiffon Cake with Melted Chocolate

makes 16 small cupcakes

Ingredient :
A  egg yolk                        4
    salt                               a pinch
    milk                               28ml
    vegetable oil                 38ml
B  peeled banana             95g                       - pureed bananas, very ripe
C  rice flour                       94g                      - sifted
D  egg white                      4
     sugar                            57g
E  chocolate bean             appropriate amount

Method :
1. Mix ingredient A and B together in a mixing bowl, mix well.
2. Add in sifted rice flour, mix well.
3. Add 1/3 sugar into egg white, beat until sugar dissolved, add in another 1/3 sugar, beat until dissolve.
4. Add in remaining sugar, beat until soft peak form.
5. Pour 1/3 egg white mixture into rice flour batter, gently mix well.
6. Pour all rice flour batter back to egg white mixture, gently mix well.
7. Scoop one big spoonful of batter into paper cup, add a few chocolate bean in the center, top up batter until almost full.
8. Line all paper cups on a baking tray, put inside a pre-heated oven at 170C for 20 minutes.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Simple Oatmeal Bun

This is the all time favor of my family, simple, easy, no special ingredients or special technique to bake. All you need to do is just follow the instructions and you can enjoy for breakfast or afternoon tea as a snack.

Simple Oatmeal Bun

- can make about 7 buns

Ingredient : 

Bread flour            160g
wholemeal flour     40g
sugar                     16g
salt                         4g
instant yeast            2.5g
water                     130g
butter                     16g
instant oatmeal        appropriate amount, for decoration purpose

Method :

1. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, gradually add in water and mix into a dough.
2. Add in butter and knead until smooth and elastic.
3. Place the dough into a mixing bowl and cover with damp towel or plastic wrap to seal in the moisture.
4. When it proof until double in size, approximately 1 hour, punch out the gas produced and transfer to a clean floured surface.
5. Divide the dough into 7 equal portions, 50g each. Shape into smooth balls. Rest for 15 minutes.
6. Shape into smooth balls again, brush some water on the surface and add some oatmeal on top of the dough.
7. Arrange dough in a greased or lined pan. Let the dough proof for the second time for about 30 minutes, cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap.
8. Bake for about 13 minutes in preheated oven at 180C. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Durian Zebra Cotton Cake

I was given a durian cake but it is too sweet that my family nobody can take it. End up I find a very fast way to consume it.

This cake is super moist and soft, my gal likes zebra cake, so I purposely added in the cocoa powder to make it into zebra cake. Heard of people using rice cooker to bake cake, i want to give it a try.

Finally here it comes -- Durian Zebra Cotton Cake.

Durian Zebra Cotton Cake

Ingredient :
butter                 50g
top flour             65g
milk                    65g
egg yolk             5
egg white           5
sugar                 40g
durian cake       120g
milk                    1 tbsp
cocoa powder    10g

Method :
1. durian cake cut into small pieces, add in 1 tbsp milk, stir and put into microwave in low heat until soften.
2. melt butter, added in shifted flour into butter while it still hot, stir well.
3. gently beat egg yolks, slowly add in milk and stir well.
4. add in (1) and mix well.
5. gradually add in (2) mixture into (4), mix well.
6. beat egg white until bubble form, add in sugar, beat until soft peak form.
7. gradually add in (5) to (6).
8. divide batter into 2, mix with cocoa powder into 1 of the batter.
9. lightly grease and put greased paper on the bottom of rice cooker pan.
10. scoop one big spoonful of batter put into center of rice cooker pan, rotate with cocoa batter and durian batter until finished.
11. use toothpick to make the pattern on top of the batter.
12. use Cake function for 40 min until cooked.
13. when it is done, take out and leave it cool on a wire rack.

* I'm using Philips Rice Cooker, it never sticks and easy to wash. Will try on other recipe on rice cooker.
* this is how durian cake looks like

Black Sesame Milk Toast

Recently found that my hairs have been turning grey beyond my control. So annoying! That recall of my mom's words, eat more black sesame.

Okey, here you go, Black sesame milk toast.

I like it with water roux method, it keeps my toast moist for at least 2 to 3 days with room temperature.

Black sesame milk toast -- water roux

Ingredient :
bread flour                      25g
water                              125ml
bread flour                      350g
black sesame powder     15g
sugar                              70g
salt                                 5g
egg                                 1       (lightly beaten)
milk powder                   7g
whipping cream              125ml
instant yeast                    6g
butter                              30g

Method :
1. Make water roux by whisking together 25g bread flour and 125ml of water in a small saucepan.
2. Heat mixture over medium-low head while stirring constantly until it thickens enough that your stirring leaves 'lines' or 'trails' on the surface, and then remove from heat immediately and scrape into a small bowl.
3. Cover bowl with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying on the surface and cool to room temperature.
4. Put all ingredient in bread machine pan.
5. Start by using Dough function.
6. Repeat step 5.
7. Turn to Basic function and let it finished whole process.
8. 15 minutes before it ends baking, off the power, so it won't create a thick skin on the bread.
9. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack.
10. Slice into desired thickness after cold completely, store in air tight container and consumed within 3 days and it should still soft, moist and fluffy.